Hex Valve
To many Upstream, Refining and Petrochemical professionals, a “Hex Valve” is a generic description for bar stock instrument, gauge and orifice valves. That didn’t happen by accident.
These valves were originally developed and marketed by the company decades ago as a means to simplify the piping associated with gauge and differential pressure transmitter applications.
Since their acquisition in 1985 by Richards Industries, the Hex Valve product line has expanded to cover almost every conceivable primary and secondary valve (2, 3 and 5 valve manifold) application for a variety of automated process industries. From small 1/4″ needle valves and patented stabilised instrument platforms for the Natural Gas Industry to high temperature primary valves and hydrocarbon sampling valves for Refineries and Power plants, to exotic gas distribution manifolds for our Biopharma customers.
Click on the links below to find out more: