Food and Beverage
In the food and beverage industries the avoidance of downtime is critical. Unproductive machines can cost thousands of dollars an hour. These complex systems are only as strong as their weakest link. At One Source we understand the economics of this equation.
The products we have are a genuine balance between reliability and economy.
Products aimed primarily at the food and beverage industries include:
Hygienic Butterfly Valves with Tube, Triclover Clamp and DIN Ends
Hygienic Check Valves, Spray Balls
Hygienic Sight Glasses (Tube Type)
Hygienic Diaphragm Valves
Hygienic Vacuum Breakers
Tube & Tube Fittings, Clamps, Hangers, Gaskets & Seals
Quick Connect Fittings
Twin Ferrule Compression Fittings
SS Push Fit Pneumatic Fittings
Food Grade Push Fit Fittings and Hose
Pressure Gauges with Clamp Type Diaphragm Seals